Monday, November 14, 2011

Animation story board

 00-10: A beach scene is present. Waves start to move. sea shells and starfish start to appear with a fade-in transition. Towels also appear with a fade-in transition, then umbrellas 
 11-20: The waves are constantly moving. and the girls from right to left appear on the screen with a fade-in transition.
 21-30: The waves are constantly moving and a boat appears moving from right to left. The towels change color indicating different sections of the beach. The Umbrellas start to spin/ rotate.
 31-40: As the waves are moving and the boat makes it last round. The yellow/orange umbrella gets larger on the screen, moving towards the center. it is still spinning/ rotating.  Everything else expect the yellow/ orange umbrella, boat, and shells stay. 
 41-50: As the umbrella is rotating faster, orange sun beams start to appear. The water moves down on the screen, hiding the sand and shells. The boat has a fade-out disappearance. 
51-60: The sun beams move outwards and a sun appears. "SPF" appears first then "Mystic Lotion", followed by "Danielle Eckert", "CEO", "", and "". The logo stays up until animation is done.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Character Description for Princess and the Pea

She is a older woman and protective of the prince (her son). She questions the princesses integrity if she is a "true" princess. She is in charge of plotting the pea underneath the twenty mattresses.  

He is the Queen's son and curious if the "so called princess" is really what she says she is. He agrees to go along with the Queens plot. Once he realizes that the princess is a "real" princess, he is reassured and together they live a happy ever after.

Princess and the Pea- Queen